Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hull 6th Edition Solution

Here's how I started working for a large room where the boss is on several pages (between 9 and 16):
First, as there are usually many colors, I start by gathering all my materials (thread, scissors, highlighters, etc ...) in a small box dedicated solely to this project. (I've often two or three courses, so two or three boxes).
Then I will sew the fabric firmly in a framework with dimensions just slightly larger (by fabric measures 17 "and under 19" (see below for executives). When the tissue is sewn onto the two rollers framework, I tend as much as possible so that the surface of the canvas is stiff and pleasant to work.
I always start to embroider the center of the room. Here I choose which page 10 is the section in the upper left the center point. I marked this point with a white cross directly on fabrics before sewing it into the frame.
It only remains to embroidery page by page by following the guide to the end. This approach allows me work comfortably and effectively on projects that take several months to complete, without error, or forget where I am.


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